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Harvard Bike Festival

The Science Center Plaza 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, United States

Come join the fun! Activities include bike mechanic safety checks, group rides to Allston and BU, an interactive scavenger hunt, and opportunities to meet with campus stakeholders, bike vendors and shops, and local advocacy groups.

Event Series Help Reduce Waste at Harvard!

Help Reduce Waste at Harvard!

The Science Center Plaza 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, United States

Harvard's Waste Stewardship Committee is developing a university-wide Zero Waste plan and needs YOUR input! How can we better support recycling, composting, and reuse on campus? How can we buy less and buy smarter? We want to hear your ideas, priorities, and struggles! Explore our tabling dates and other ways to get involved.

Event Series Help Reduce Waste at Harvard!

Help Reduce Waste at Harvard!

The Science Center Plaza 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, United States

Harvard's Waste Stewardship Committee is developing a university-wide Zero Waste plan and needs YOUR input! How can we better support recycling, composting, and reuse on campus? How can we buy less and buy smarter? We want to hear your ideas, priorities, and struggles! Explore our tabling dates and other ways to get involved.

Event Series Earth Day Events 2024

See-food @ Harvard Earth Day Event

The Science Center Plaza 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, United States

Join us on Thu Apr 18 2024 at 12:00 PM at the Harvard Science Center Plaza for a fun-filled seafood event celebrating Earth Day. Take bites of delicious seafood samples prepared by Harvard chefs while learning how to be climate-adaptive sea-foodies, guided by New England's leading seafood sustainability organizations. Experience the fun of blind-tasting games and win surprise prizes! This event is open to everyone, and we encourage you to stay through the whole event. However, tasting samples are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot now!