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Data & Progress  

We are using data to uncover new insights and drive continual improvements in how we operate our campus.  

Students, faculty, and staff have access to several robust sustainability-related datasets that the Office for Sustainability and other departments use for reporting, analysis, and decision-making.  

Teams of students and researchers have already used our datasets to pursue research questions in support of class papers, senior theses, and other research purposes. If you are a Harvard affiliate who would like to use our data for a research purpose, please contact the Harvard Office for Sustainability.  

Graphic illustration of a green building and leaf


As of 2022, Harvard has 148 LEED-certified buildings on campus.
Icon of blue and white water droplets.


As of 2021, Harvard's water use was down 35%—or 218 million gallons, equivalent to filling Harvard's Blodgett Pool 291 times.


The shift toward plant-based foods as part of the Cool Food Pledge reduced greenhouse gas emissions per plate at Harvard by 16% between 2019 and 2021.
Yellow illustration that looks like an outline of a power plant with a leaf coming out the top.


Between 2006 and 2016, Harvard reduced greenhouse gas emissions 30% from 2006 levels, despite a 14% increase in the size of its campus during that time.
Icon of a person on a bike

436,279 miles

In 2022, more than 1,500 students and staff utilized the Harvard discounted membership of Bluebikes bikeshare, taking over 100,000 trips totaling 436,279 miles.
Purple solar icon


As of 2022, Harvard has installed 3 megawatts of solar panel capacity on campus, enough to power more than 250 homes.

Sustainability Reports 

Harvard’s Annual Sustainability Reports were produced by the Harvard Office for Sustainability to update the community on the University’s progress toward meeting the goals, standards, and commitments as described in Harvard’s Sustainability Action Plan. Data is collected from individual Schools and departments and aggregated and analyzed by OFS.

View snapshots of past Annual Sustainability Reports:
