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Resource Efficiency Program

Resource Efficiency Program

Founded in 2002, the Resource Efficiency Program (REP) is a peer-driven educational initiative at Harvard University dedicated to promoting sustainable living within undergraduate houses and dormitories. Student employees, i.e. “REPs”, engage their peers through events, competitions, and campaigns; providing valuable education on topics ranging from energy conservation to saving water. REPs have a direct impact on campus sustainability goals, via operations-focused projects with tangible outcomes within their residence buildings and beyond.

A group photo of REP student members posing at a long wooden table.

REP Programming

Learn more about the Resource Efficiency Program’s initiatives, including:

  • Educational Sustainability Campaigns
  • Utility Efficiency Projects
  • Green Cup Competition 


  • Organize events to both educate and engage peers in environmental discussions.
  • Collaborate with campus staff and administrators to implement campus sustainability projects.
  • Act as a liaison for campus stakeholders, addressing sustainability concerns.
  • Create engaging outreach materials like posters, emails, and eco boards.
  • Attend biweekly meetings and engage with REP campaign materials.

This image displays a group of REPs at a waste audit.

Connect with your REP!

Connect with your REP through their school email. They can help you with sustainability ideas, connect you to the right people, provide personal engagement at tabling events, answer questions about changes in your house or dorm, and offer leadership opportunities within the campus sustainability network.

Program Support


Questions? Contact Kendyl Churchman (she/her), the Resource Efficiency Program (REP) Manager at FAS, at