Birding with Bob Mayer
Arnold ArboretumStart your 2025 year list off on this easy 90-minute walk from the main gate to the ponds and back. In addition to looking for winter birds we will admire the Arboretum's impressive woody plant collection.
Start your 2025 year list off on this easy 90-minute walk from the main gate to the ponds and back. In addition to looking for winter birds we will admire the Arboretum's impressive woody plant collection.
Join us for a winter foraging walk to learn what wild plants can be foraged and brewed into tea. Visit some of the Arboretum's tastiest winter plants, from sweet birch and juniper to sassafras and spicebush. You may even get to taste some of the teas yourself! Led by Manager of Adult Programming and Events Sarah Nechamen.